Saturday, January 25, 2020
Convolutional Codes Simulation Using Matlab Computer Science Essay
Convolutional Codes Simulation Using Matlab Computer Science Essay Abstract: In order to reduce the effects of random and burst errors in transmitted signal it is necessary to use error-control coding. We researched some possibilities of such coding using the MATLAB Communications Toolbox. There are two types of codes available Linear Block Codes and Convolutional Codes. In block coding the coding algorithm transforms each piece (block) of information into a code word part of which is a generated structured redundancy. Convolutional code uses an extra parameter (memory). This puts an extra constraint on the code. Convolutional codes operate on serial data, one or a few bits at a time. This paper describes basic aspects of Convolutional codes and illustrates Matlab encoding and decoding implementations. Convolutional codes are often used to improve the performance of radio and satellite links. Key words: Convolutional codes, error-control coding, radio and satellite links. 1. Introduction Convolutional codes are commonly specified by three parameters (n,k,m): n = number of output bits; k = number of input bits; m = number of memory registers. The quantity k/n called the code rate, is a measure of the efficiency of the code. Commonly k and n parameters range from 1 to 8, m from 2 to 10 and the code rate from 1/8 to 7/8 except for deep space applications where code rates as low as 1/100 or even longer have been employed. Often the manufacturers of convolutional code chips specify [1] the code by parameters (n,k,L), The quantity L is called the constraint length of the code and is defined by Constraint Length, L = k (m-1). The constraint length L represents the number of bits in the encoder memory that affect the generation of the n output bits. The constraint length L is also referred to by the capital letter K, which can be confusing with the lower case k, which represents the number of input bits. In some books K is defined as equal to product the of k and m. Often in commercial spec, the codes are specified by (r, K), where r = the code rate k/n and K is the constraint length. The constraint length K however is equal to L 1, as defined in this paper. Even though a convolutional coder accepts a fixed number of message symbols and produces a fixed number of code symbols, its computations depend not only on the current set of input symbols but on some of the previous input symbols. In general, a rate R=k/n, k à £ n, convolutional encoder input (information sequence) is a sequence of binary k-tuples, u = ..,u-1, u0, u1, u2,à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦, where . The output (code sequence) is a sequence of binary n-tuples, v = ..,v-1, v0, v1, v2,à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦, where . The sequences must start at a finite (positive or negative) time and may or may not end. The relation between the information sequences and the code sequences is determined by the equation v = uG , where is the semi-infinite generator matrix, and where the sub-matrices G i , 0à £ ià £ m, are binary kXn matrices. The arithmetic in v = uG is carried out over the binary field, F 2 , and the parts left blank in the generator matrix G are assumed to be filled in with zeros. The right hand side of v= uG defines a discrete-time convolution between u and , hence, the name convolutional codes [2]. As in many other situations where convolutions appear it is convenient to express the sequences in some sort of transform. In information theory and coding theory [3], [4] it is common to use the delay operator D, the D-transform. The information and code sequences becomes and They are related through the equation , where is the generator matrix. The set of polynomial matrices is a special case of the rational generator matrices. Hence, instead of having finite impulse response in the encoder, as for the polynomial case, we can allow periodically repeating infinite impulse responses. To make the formal definitions for this case it is easier to start in the D-domain. Let F 2((D)) denote the field of binary Laurent series. The element contains at most finitely many negative powers of D. similarly, let F 2[D] denote the ring of binary polynomials. A polynomial contains no negative powers of D and only finitely many positive. Given a pair of polynomials x(D), y(D)ÃâÃ
½ F 2[D], where y(D)à ¹0, we can obtain the element x(D)/y(D)ÃâÃ
½ F 2((D)) by long division. All non-zero ratios x(D)/y(D) are invertible, so they form the field of binary rational functions, F 2(D), which is a sub-field of F 2((D)). A rate R = k/n (binary) convolutional transducer over the field of rational functions F 2(D) is a linear mapping which can be represented as v(D)=u(D)G(D), where G(D) is a k X n transfer function matrix of rank k with entries in F 2(D) and v(D) is called the code sequence corresponding to the information sequence u(D). A rate R = k/n convolutional code C over F 2 is the image set of a rate R = k/n convolutional transducer. We will only consider realizable (causal) transfer function matrices, which we call generator matrices. A transfer function matrix of a convolutional code is called a generator matrix if it is realizable (causal). It follows from the definitions that a rate R = k/n convolutional code C with the k X n generator matrix G(D) is the row space of G(D) over F((D)). Hence, it is the set of all code sequences generated by the convolutional generator matrix, G(D). A rate R = k/n convolutional encoder of a convolutional code with rate R = k/n generator matrix G(D) over F 2(D) is a realization by linear sequential circuits of G(D). 2. Convolutional encoder simulation The Convolutional Encoder block encodes a sequence of binary input vectors to produce a sequence of binary output vectors. This block can process multiple symbols at a time. If the encoder takes k input bit streams (that is, can receive 2k possible input symbols), then this blocks input vector length is L*k for some positive integer L. Similarly, if the encoder produces n output bit streams (that is, can produce 2n possible output symbols), then this blocks output vector length is L*n. The input can be a sample-based vector with LÃ =Ã 1, or a frame-based column vector with any positive integer for L. For a variable in the MATLAB workspace [5], [6] that contains the trellis structure, we put its name as the Trellis structure parameter. This way is preferable because it causes Simulink [5] to spend less time updating the diagram at the beginning of each simulation, compared to the usage in the next bulleted item. For specify the encoder using its constraint length, generator polyno mials, and possibly feedback connection polynomials, we used a poly2trellis command within the Trellis structure field. For example, for an encoder with a constraint length of 7, code generator polynomials of 171 and 133 (in octal numbers), and a feedback connection of 171 (in octal), we have used the Trellis structure parameter to poly2trellis(7,[171 133],171). The encoder registers begin in the all-zeros state. We configured the encoder so that it resets its registers to the all-zeros state during the course of the simulation: The value None indicates that the encoder never resets; The value On each frame indicates that the encoder resets at the beginning of each frame, before processing the next frame of input data; The value On nonzero Rst input causes the block to have a second input port, labeled Rst. The signal at the Rst port is a scalar signal. When it is nonzero, the encoder resets before processing the data at the first input port. 3. Convolutional decoder simulation 3.1. Viterbi Decoder The Viterbi Decoder block [7], [1] decodes input symbols to produce binary output symbols. This block can process several symbols at a time for faster performance. If the convolutional code uses an alphabet of 2n possible symbols, then this blocks input vector length is L*n for some positive integer L. Similarly, if the decoded data uses an alphabet of 2k possible output symbols, then this blocks output vector length is L*k. The integer L is the number of frames that the block processes in each step. The input can be either a sample-based vector with LÃ =Ã 1, or a frame-based column vector with any positive integer for L. The entries of the input vector are either bipolar, binary, or integer data, depending on the Decision type parameter: Unquantized Real numbers; Hard Decision 0, 1; Soft Decision Integers between 0 and 2k-1, where k is the Number of soft decision bits parameter, with 0 for most confident decision for logical zero and 2k-1, most confident decision for logical one. Other values represent less confident decisions. If the input signal is frame-based, then the block has three possible methods for transitioning between successive frames. The Operation mode parameter controls which method the block uses: In Continuous mode, the block saves its internal state metric at the end of each frame, for use with the next frame. Each traceback path is treated independently. In Truncated mode, the block treats each frame independently. The traceback path starts at the state with the best metric and always ends in the all-zeros state. This mode is appropriate when the corresponding Convolutional Encoder block has its Reset parameter set to On each frame. In Terminated mode, the block treats each frame independently, and the traceback path always starts and ends in the all-zeros state. This mode is appropriate when the uncoded message signal (that is, the input to the corresponding Convolutional Encoder block) has enough zeros at the end of each frame to fill all memory registers of the encoder. If the encoder has k input streams and constraint length vector constr (using the polynomial description), then enough means k*max(constr-1). In the special case when the frame-based input signal contains only one symbol, the Continuous mode is most appropriate. The Traceback depth parameter, D, influences the decoding delay. The decoding delay is the number of zero symbols that precede the first decoded symbol in the output. If the input signal is sample-based, then the decoding delay consists of D zero symbols. If the input signal is frame-based and the Operation mode parameter is set to Continuous, then the decoding delay consists of D zero symbols. If the Operation mode parameter is set to Truncated or Terminated, then there is no output delay and the Traceback depth parameter must be less than or equal to the number of symbols in each frame. If the code rate is 1/2, then a typical Traceback depth value is about five times the constraint length of the code. The reset port is usable only when the Operation mode parameter is set to Continuous. Checking the Reset input check box causes the block to have an additional input port, labeled Rst. When the Rst input is nonzero, the decoder returns to its initial state by configuring its internal memory as follows: Sets the all-zeros state metric to zero; Sets all other state metrics to the maximum value; Sets the traceback memory to zero; Using a reset port on this block is analogous to setting the Reset parameter in the Convolutional Encoder block to On nonzero Rst input. 3.2. APP Decoder The APP Decoder block [8] performs a posteriori probability (APP) decoding of a convolutional code. The input L(u) represents the sequence of log-likelihoods of encoder input bits, while the input L(c) represents the sequence of log-likelihoods of code bits. The outputs L(u) and L(c) are updated versions of these sequences, based on information about the encoder. If the convolutional code uses an alphabet of 2n possible symbols, then this blocks L(c) vectors have length Q*n for some positive integer Q. Similarly, if the decoded data uses an alphabet of 2k possible output symbols, then this blocks L(u) vectors have length Q*k. The integer Q is the number of frames that the block processes in each step. The inputs can be either: Sample-based vectors having the same dimension and orientation, with QÃ =Ã 1; Frame-based column vectors with any positive integer for Q. To define the convolutional encoder that produced the coded input, we have used the Trellis structure MATLAB parameter. We tested two ways: The name as the Trellis structure parameter, for a variable in the MATLAB workspace that contains the trellis structure. This way is preferable because it causes Simulink to spend less time updating the diagram at the beginning of each simulation, compared to the usage in the next bulleted item; For specify the encoder using its constraint length, generator polynomials, and possibly feedback connection polynomials, we used a poly2trellis command within the Trellis structure field. For example, for an encoder with a constraint length of 7, code generator polynomials of 171 and 133 (in octal numbers), and a feedback connection of 171 (in octal), we used the Trellis structure parameter to poly2trellis(7,[171 133],171. To indicate how the encoder treats the trellis at the beginning and end of each frame, its necessary to set the Termination method parameter to either Truncated or Terminated. The Truncated option indicates that the encoder resets to the all-zeros state at the beginning of each frame, while the Terminated option indicates that the encoder forces the trellis to end each frame in the all-zeros state. We can control part of the decoding algorithm using the Algorithm parameter. The True APP option implements a posteriori probability. To gain speed, both the Max* and Max options approximate expressions by other quantities. The Max option uses max{ai} as the approximation, while the Max* option uses max{ai} plus a correction term. The Max* option enables the Scaling bits parameter in the mask. This parameter is the number of bits by which the block scales the data it processes internally. We have used this parameter to avoid losing precision during the computations. It is especially appropriate for implementation uses fixed-point components. 4. Conclusions In these work we have constructed and tested in Maple convolutional encoders and decoders of various types, rates, and memories. Convolutional codes are fundamentally different from other classes of codes, in that a continuous sequence of message bits is mapped into a continuous sequence of encoder output bits. It is well-known in the literature and practice that these codes achieve a larger coding gain than that with block coding with the same complexity. The encoder operating at a rate 1/n bits/symbol, may be viewed as a finite-state machine that consists of an M-stage shift register with prescribed connections to n modulo-2 adders, and a multiplexer that serializes the outputs of the adders.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Amadou Ham Pate Ba
Amadou Ham pate Ba (1901-1991), Malian ethnologist, narrator and author, played an important role in introducing the world to African oral heritage, especially the folktales of West Africa. The man known as the ââ¬Å"living Memory of Africaâ⬠he liked to say he was ââ¬Å"one of the eldest sons of the century,â⬠was one of the major intellectual literary figures of the 20th century. The saying with which he will always be associated for (his often quoted statement), that ââ¬Å"In Africa when an old man dies, a library has burned downâ⬠has become so famous that it is sometimes used as an African proverb.He was commenting on the loss of African oral heritage, in praise of both old age and oral tradition, which contributes to the historical components of humanities memory. ââ¬Å"The folktale is a key source of oral tradition, as are other forms of narrative and rituals that are considered essential components of cultural anthropology and ethnologyâ⬠. (folkculture . org) There is a certain characteristic and significance of indigenous knowledge, especially in Africa. Indigenous knowledge has been defined as the local knowledge. Knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society.The expressions traditional local and indigenous knowledge, are used in the literature inter-changeably, is learned through repetition which aids in its retention and reinforcement. Agricultural or desert-based societies slowly created communities that were mostly self- contained and based on self-help. Their approach to problem solving was through ambulated individual or communal experiences and knowledge derived from trial and error. This aggregated validated knowledge improved and increases in time but remained mostly unrecorded. Even in the present information age, agricultural and desert-based communities, have remained practically cut off, thus they have been out of the mere necessity and for the sake of their survival, depending on and making use of their tr aditional unrecorded knowledgeâ⬠. (Anwar, 1998) Amadou Ba feared that a lot of it is being lost due to rapid urbanization and continuous attrition in the older population. ââ¬Å"Indigenous knowledge is predominantly tacit and embedded in practices and experiences and exchanged within the community through oral communication and demonstration.Recording and disseminating it across communities is not easyâ⬠(Anwar. 2005). Itââ¬â¢s sometimes fragmented. It does not exist in its totality either in one place or one individual. It is distribution is socially differentiated, based on gender and age. ââ¬Å"When discussing language, ethnic groups, cultures (and subcultures), and religions. The key concepts are diversity and complexity. There are conservatively many hundreds of different ethnics groups. Thus, there are many hundreds of distinct languages and cultures.The sheer number of such groups throughout Africa makes this dimension unique to the continent. â⬠(The Oth er World ch. 6 pg. 187) Amadou Ham pate Ba passed away in 1991, leaving the world a library and an extensive archive to protect the wealth of knowledge that he had collected from fire, which he warned about repeatedly. He said ââ¬Å"that part of every speech is lost to fire; chaos can result from tiny sparks just as a match can lead to a fire that destroys an entire villageâ⬠. (folkculture. rg) What role do oral traditions play in the displacements and/or migrations of communities? Oral tradition: ââ¬Å"the process of handing down information, opinions, belief, and customs by the word of mouth or by exampleâ⬠(Merriam-Webster unabridged 7th Ed). A transmission of knowledge and institutions through successive generations without written instruction. Thus an inherited principle, standard, or practice serving as the established guide of an individual or group. In comparing different cultures we tend to evaluate the custom of others in light of our own beliefs and values.Mem bers of all cultures assume that their own design for living is the best and only correct way. The belief that oneââ¬â¢s own culture is the only true and good way, as well as the tendency to judge other cultures by those standard, is call Ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism serves several important functions for individuals and groups. Certainly about the rightness of oneââ¬â¢s beliefs and behaviors reinforces the tendency to confirm and to defend oneââ¬â¢s society. Ethnocentrism becomes dysfunctional when beliefs in oneââ¬â¢s superiority lead to hostility and conflict. More important, oral traditions can provide a rich history predating the written word. â⬠(The other world ch6 pg. 189) In traditional soufies people tend to regard the way things have always been done as sacred, which stems from the beliefs and practices passed down from generation to generation. Account of first European contacts with black Africa are a study in Ethnocentrism the letters and journals of 1 5th and 16th century explorers, merchants, and missioners, overflowed with lurid descriptions of cannibalism, incest and unbridled lust. Since the Africans did not practice Christianity they were labeled ââ¬Ëheathensââ¬â¢; since their laws were incomprehensible to the European, they were said to be ââ¬ËLAWLESSââ¬â¢; and since their marriage and family practices differed from those prevalent in Europe they were judged to be ââ¬Ësavagesââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëbarbariansââ¬â¢. (George 1968) ââ¬Å"Africa was artificially divided to suit the objectives of the colonial governments. Preexisting ethnic, linguistic, and cultural until were ignored. Throughout Africa, closely knit people speaking the same language were suddenly separatedâ⬠. The other world Ch6 pg. 190) As evident in the class text book (see enclosed references) European colonization of the coast of Africa in 1884 (see fig 6. 2) undoubtedly hasten the displacement and migration of the indigenous people furt her inland toward the desert (see fig 6. 1) so they could control; the rich fertile land. By 1895 (see fig 6. 3) it only got worse. Even today the African map reflects the extraction goals of the imperial powers. ââ¬Ëââ¬â¢ Moreover, foreigners exploited the natural habit in many parts of the region.For instance, the colonial powers instituted cash crops and export of livestock, which in turn meant widespread clearing of the land and sometimes depletion of the soil. Similarly, Europeans carving up the continent created or heightened local rivalries, which resulted in conflicts that also affected the landscape (ch6 p. 201) Carried to an extreme, ethnocentrism is destructive as evidence by the Nazis in Germany who believed in absolute superiority of the white Aryan race and culture.The result was the displacement and death of millions of people who didnââ¬â¢t fit that category mostly Jews. In American history, each different ethnic, religious, or racial group was thought to be inferior to white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) and therefore deserve less than humane treatment. ââ¬Å"Ethnic divisions are a powerful force today. Ongoing struggles in such diverse states as Angola, Burundi, Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya,Liberia Mauritanian, Nigeria, Ruanda and Sierra Leon may be explained in past by deep-seated ethnic division
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Special Education At The Collegiate Level - 2711 Words
When talking about special education, a majority of people will automatically assume the discussion revolves around a PK-12 student. Few people are aware of how many students with disabilities attend college and the accommodations that are required to support them. From physical challenges to learning difficulties, individuals with disabilities represent a population of college students that has tripled, and by some estimates, quadrupled over the past twenty-five years (Olney, Kennedy, Brockelman, Newsom, 2004; Palombi, 2000). There are 6,500 postsecondary institutions in the country and approximately 14 million undergraduate students and 2 million graduate students. (Dutta, Schiro-Geist, Kundu, 2009) Of these students,â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(Dell, 2004) These may include results of testing and information on accommodations that have been used in school. The transition meeting should clearly outline what modifications are needed and appropriate. When the student arrives at college, it is important to meet with the Disabilities Department and create a success plan. A collaborative success plan should be developed by the Disabilities Manager and the student. In some instances, the college professor may be involved. In the Group presentation that looked at Albert from The Verger and put him into a college environment, we looked at the laws protecting post secondary students. Colleges are under no obligation to accept students they believe cannot be successful. However, many colleges have provided a supportive, nurturing environment that allows students with disabilities to flourish. Community colleges offer programs for remediation to help students become secure in the basics to enable them to move on to 4 year colleges. Some colleges, such as Landmark College in Vermont and Gallaudet University in Washington DC have programs for students with specific disabilities. The Role of Assistive Technology In many cases, the use of assistive technology can mean the difference between fully participating in college and being left behind. Assistive technology is any device used by students with disabilities inShow MoreRelatedSpecial Education Laew and Litigation Essay1095 Words à |à 5 PagesSPE-350 Special Education Litigation and Law Benchmark Assessment and Rubric Targeted Essential Learning * Special education teachers must know legal liabilities and rights pertaining to student, parent, and teachers. Special education teachers recognize that special education practice is heavily regulated and are able to define relevant laws and policies that related to specific special education. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The United States Declaration Of Independence - 1802 Words
innovationsocialstudies222 cameronjohnsonlog outhelp WikiPages Files VIEWEDIT FrontPage Page history last edited by Chris LaValle 2 hours, 47 minutes ago Welcome to Mr. LaValle s Classroom Contact Information Homework Storage Page Today is Friday, May 15, 2015 an A Day. Quote of the Week: Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. Og Mandino(1923ââ¬â1996) History Facts of the Day for May 15, 2015: On May 15, 1602 Bartholomew Gosnold becomes the first recorded European to see Cape Cod. And in 1618 Johannes Kepler confirms his previously rejected discovery of the third law of planetary motion (he first discovered it on March 8 but soon rejected the idea after some initial calculations were made). Also, in 1755 Laredo, Texas is established by the Spaniards. And in 1776, during the American Revolution, the Virginia Convention instructs its Continental Congress delegation to propose a resolution of independence from Great Britain, paving the way for the United States Declaration of Independence. Also, in 1793 Diego Marà n Aguilera flies a glider for about 360 meters, at a height of 5ââ¬â6 meters, during one of the first attempted manned flights. And in 1817 the first private mental health hospital in the United States, the Asylum for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of Their Reason (now Friends Hospital) opens in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Also, in 1850 the Bloody Island Massacre takes place in Lake County, California, in which aShow MoreRelatedThe Declaration Of Independence By The United States1106 Words à |à 5 PagesThe setting of the Declaration of Independence was the United States. It was declared on July 4, 1776. After the Boston tea party rebellion the United states wanted their independence. 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